Monday, April 22, 2013

The Nerve of Some People

I caught myself thinking this more than once today as I was surprised at the audacity of my peers to say, do, or say and do, stupid things. Stupid being rude, ignorant, idiotic, offensive, or a lovely combination of the four.

One thing I have to commend those people on though, is their courage. It takes some cahones to blurt out in class something you believe to be true with the chance of being shot down, or to make a joke and nobody laughs. These people I've noticed don't even think twice before they state said comments. Now I can attribute that to a very possible and unfortunate break in the line that connects one's conscience to one's mouth; a vasectomy one's morals if you will, that makes speech sterile to intelligent thought. But I'll give them the benefit of the doubt, and go with courage.

So then why is courage given to the wrong people? With great power (or courage) comes great responsibility, so then maybe a better question would be: why isn't courage given to people that will "use responsibly"?

I'm naturally more of an introverted person. I usually would prefer spending time in my own little cave where I can play music, write, and read to my heart's desire than to go out and socialize. But when I do muster up the energy to venture out into deeper waters, I generally hangout with other introverts (if I'm being honest, most extroverts kind of scare me). So we introverts gather and have our periodic little social outings where we generally just talk about everything that we've been able to contemplate to ourselves since we last talked. And a lot of my introverted friends have a lot of really intelligent, wise, and creative thoughts. If any of them had half of the courage of the previously mentioned sterile-minded persons, and shared their wisdom half as much as the dumb kids in my classes, this world would be a heck of a lot better place.

So why instead of being deemed the red badge of courage are we branded with the red face of embarrassment? I guess only God knows.

But I know that the next time someone interrupts a moment of silence in memory of the recent Boston bombings with "Bang bang bang!" I'm going to say something. Because the only way my brain can comprehend the reasoning of why on Earth anyone would think that would be okay, is because they just simply don't understand the reality of anything that goes on. So it's our duty to tell the kid. The poor dear doesn't even know.

Maybe if enough of us speak up just once when we know something was wrong, we can reverse their possible (probable)thought-vasectomies and give them the much needed procedure of an add-a-brain-to-me. Because remember, these kids already have the courage to speak out, so why don't we give them something to say, and more importantly, something enlightening for the next generation to listen to.


P.S. These people will be able to vote someday... 'nuff said.

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